This site appears to be to place to be for those who want to be in the know about the IBM i, iSeries, AS400, etc.
Senior in IT -
IBM trained - have worked on IBM Mid Range since 1974 - with RPG programming and extensive EDI experience; have utilized Premenos, Harbinger, Peregrine Systems, Inovis, and now known as Open Text Trusted Link EDI software for 25 years; former EDI consultant for Premenos / Harbinger from 1997 - 2001.
While performing duties as an EDI/ EC Consultant from 1997 – 2001:
Successfully assisted over one hundred companies – coast to coast - nationwide with EDI/EC setup and procurement to automated production for Electronic Commerce.
Experienced coding / mapping in EDIFACT and ANSI X12 documents and EDI programming in these EDI Transaction Sets: 210,214,810,812,820,824,830,832,838, 844,850,852,855,856,860,861,864,867,875,880,940,943,944,945, DELFOR,DELJIT,INVOIC,ORDERS
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